Harry Potter and the Morals of Azkaban.
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix brought about a vision of the power of magic and how it relates to technology. The Sheltrown article offers the idea that magic is synonymous with technology in the muggle world. While watching the movie magic makes brooms come to life. Wands are the essence of making a normal world become something better. This innovation that the wand creates is similar to how technology has become an innovative tool in our society. The war on good and evil has a deeper meaning then the grandeur of a magical world. The wand that permits such magical events is a tool that creates identity as well. The students of Hogwarts are sorted when they are first years based on their personalities. Harry has an identity conflict through out the movies because he has so many connections with Lord Voldemort. For instance, he was almost admitted to the house of Slytherin and the wand that chose him was of the same material as Lord Voldemort. He struggles to find his true identity. The connection that technology has with Harry is present all the time. Magic is constantly being used to change everyday objects into magical (technologically advanced) instruments. J.K. Rowling does a great job of disguising morals of people through the houses they are set in. So far as the 5th movie we know that Harry is still more good than bad meaning that so far good magic has persevered over evil magic.