Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Techno Love?

This week’s television shows dug into the how technology is involved with the millennial generation. “Degrassi” explored how the Internet opens people’s relationships to a larger group of people. With Internet kids are alone on the computer without much supervision. This allows them to connect with a broader group of people, but it also can start to create a fake persona. Without direct face-to-face interaction we can become something that we want to be without getting caught for the most part. Emma meets “Jordan” online and once the reality sets in that she might meet him the problem with her basic information of being 16 when in reality she is much younger than this threatens her. When coming to have to actually meet him in person Emma has to make a crucial decision that may put her into a difficult situation because she doesn’t truly know whom this “Jordan” kid is accept for the photos that may or may not be of him from the Internet. The adults in this show are also not computer savvy compared to their technologically advanced kids. “The Next Generation” article addresses this. The “Millennial” generation is better with technology and adults are falling behind. “The Young and the Digital” reading addresses how the internet and computers are the new medium that the “Millennial” generation uses to communicate with people. Like Emma most of the “Millennial” generation are using the internet for social purposes. It seems as if email is the largest part of the internet being used.  

Veronica Mars also shows how being technologically savvy can help with justice. Her investigator instincts and her connections allow Veronica to help Weevle get out of jail. It also addresses how the “Millennial” generation rebels by behaving better. Veronica works for the good of honest people. The ongoing narrative of trying to find where she belongs in the social groups of school still persist but with her knowledge with technology and her camera expertise she works towards fighting for a better cause.

For the Millenial Generation technology is key. It becomes a uniting factor that the generation has over older generations and it is used on a daily basis. The wide access that we have allows us the be a generation that can coalesce via the web and use it to fight for greater purposes. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Past Mixed With Present

This Victorian styles house is located in Australia. It features the old look of a classic Victorian on the outside but on the inside it is furnished with modern appliances and furniture inside. This polished home is attractive to old and new alike.
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