This mini dream home is affordable and quite cute. As one can see from the earlier picture of this garage turned mini dream house, it was really a dumpy little garage. With a little bit of love and an eye for classy design Michelle de la Vega created this haven. More Photos and Information!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Nostalgia, Reboot, Replay, Remix
Pretty Little Liars has parallels to Gossip Girl. While I have seen almost every episode of Gossip Girl I have only seen the pilot of Pretty Little Liars. Both shows are extremely millennial using technology as the main culprit for sending around information that puts the characters on edge. The masked voiced behind the technology hasn’t been revealed in either show, but have extreme control of what goes on. This seems to be a millennial trend as seen in Veronica Mars as well. It adds that Kristen Bell, who is “Veronica Mars” is also the voice of “Gossip Girl.” The hidden voice is a leading role in the show that is never unmasked. The masked figure differs in Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars. The voice of Gossip Girl facilitates rumors on her blog from information that is given to her via texts, emails and other millennial technology. She uses this information in her blog to reveal secrets to all who follow her. This information is not meant to put anyone in real danger but instead is give an inside look at what is going on in the Upper East side. Although I have only seen one episode of Pretty Little Liars it seems like the anonymous texter is someone who is trying to pick apart the lives of the four friends that were with “Alison” during the previous summer when she was murdered. This use of millennial technology isn’t available to everyone and is only given to the four girls. Both shows relate to each other because of their use of technology but they differ in how their undercover voice works. One looks to be picking the lives apart after the death of a friend and one allows everyone to know everything about anyone is who anyone in New York City.
Monday, April 25, 2011
"Fairytale Home"
This fairy tale home is the design of an anonymous person from Los Angeles. This doesn't mean it is a fake home just more a dream like home that stems from Disney Land ideals. Its "organic architectural wonder" can be seen from the outside. It's interior may be a tad disappointing and normal when looking from the outside at the gnome paradise.
organic architectural wonders
organic architectural wonders
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Alexander Doty addresses how Glee and Modern Family have become hit television shows in the past year. They have been canonized and taken over the previous hit comedies like 30 Rock. Doty claims that Glee and Modern Family have an edge over other television show because of its liberalist scenes. By the end of the article Doty reveals that although they are slightly liberal they are very hetero-normative and don’t skew too far from the normal conservative views. While they claim to deal with new topics and issues into their shows they generally give their characters stereotypical male and female roles to their gay characters. Doty is starting to become more interested in how Glee is becoming more innovative in their topics and seriously addressing new topics in the second season.
After comparing the pilot episode of Glee to the most recent episode of Glee it is apparent that the director is moving towards more liberal ideas for the show. For instance, in the first season he focuses mainly on the white characters and gives the minority or crippled characters minimalist roles. In the second season Kurt has moved schools, has an on-screen kiss with another member of his glee club. In season one this would have been a huge deal and while it still is a big deal, Glee is able to introduce liberalist ideas and create new innovative television for Glee viewers.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Luxurious New York City Apartment
This luxurious New York City apartment is a designer's gem. It mixes minimalist design with eclectic furniture. Stefan Boubil, designed this apartment. Interested in creating a modern space that was open and spacious he used white walls and ceiling lights to keep it open.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Noir Elements

On the outside Blair Waldorf looks like a perfectly manicured student at Constance, but when she doesn’t get her way she immediately turns into a devious character that takes her uses her minions to get back into her position of power. In the 2.17 episode Blair exploits a false relationship between her best friends boyfriend and her teacher because her teacher doesn’t know the hierarchies of the school. Nobody messes with Blair. When Blair receives trash duty she does everything in her power to take out Miss Carr. This feminine power that is apparent in the Gossip Girl is a film noir element. The female characters in the show are always scathing and working against one another. The dark side of New York City’s elite prep school is run by the richest kids leaving the less wealthy kids, Dan Humphrey, in the dust as merely a character in their plot to make it to the Ivy Leagues and become powerful woman when they graduate from college.
The dark and manipulative behavior of the Blair Waldorf drives other students to succumb to her millennial noir behavior. Gossip Girl uses its online network to allow all of the intimate secrets and rumors to quickly get circulate around campus creating even more noir drama for the viewers.
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Amazing Sliding House
When you first look at this house you will probably see a modernized barn. If you look closely at the house though the architects were able to create a sliding outer shell that can cove the barn fully or open the window-filled house with the elements of the world. Located in Suffold, England, this house uses a minimalist approach to create multipurpose spaces.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Negotiating Sexuality
Monday, March 21, 2011
Vermont Mansion
The Exact Location is unknown BUT it IS in Vermont!!!!
This three story house is spacious and quaint. It features grass on the roof as well a beautiful lawn area!
More Photos available HERE!!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Harry Potter Part 2
Harry Potter and the Morals of Azkaban.
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix brought about a vision of the power of magic and how it relates to technology. The Sheltrown article offers the idea that magic is synonymous with technology in the muggle world. While watching the movie magic makes brooms come to life. Wands are the essence of making a normal world become something better. This innovation that the wand creates is similar to how technology has become an innovative tool in our society. The war on good and evil has a deeper meaning then the grandeur of a magical world. The wand that permits such magical events is a tool that creates identity as well. The students of Hogwarts are sorted when they are first years based on their personalities. Harry has an identity conflict through out the movies because he has so many connections with Lord Voldemort. For instance, he was almost admitted to the house of Slytherin and the wand that chose him was of the same material as Lord Voldemort. He struggles to find his true identity. The connection that technology has with Harry is present all the time. Magic is constantly being used to change everyday objects into magical (technologically advanced) instruments. J.K. Rowling does a great job of disguising morals of people through the houses they are set in. So far as the 5th movie we know that Harry is still more good than bad meaning that so far good magic has persevered over evil magic.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Modern Mountain Home
Aspen Abode
This modern home is set in Aspen, Colorado. The huge walls are intended for a large art collection. Not only is it a home with the finest amenities, but it is set in a wonderful outdoor location.
More Photos here.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Roswell: a small town in New Mexico. Aliens have landed here in more than fifty years prior to the year 2000, but the Aliens that attend Roswell High are only 16. Roswell has created a strong online Internet community. The cultural anxieties that this show has may seem outdated, but the community support that this show has was a key a safe haven and place of support for people after September 11th. The show seems odd and the writing is a slower pace than most millennial shows. The characteristics that this show has are different that more current shows but it still shows class problems between Michael and Max. Max was brought into a warmer household than Michael that had middle class living standards. Michael wasn’t as “lucky” when he was found after they were released from their alien capsules. This class difference gives more significance to Max and Isabel have a place in the town and with their family. It is harder for them to leave and run away from Roswell than it is for Michael. Michael believes his foster dad is only using him because he wants the monthly check. Having a familial background leaves Max and Isabel with different morals. Michael doesn’t mind skipping school or breaking and entering into the sheriff’s office. Max also has another object that makes him want to stay in Roswell and not flee. He has feelings for Liz, who is the main reason as to why the aliens are contemplating leaving Roswell. These personal relationships have kept them in Roswell and if Michael didn’t have a connection with Isabel and Max than he would leave in a minute. To me it seems that the show works to look into the deeper meaning of relationships between people and people “not of this earth.”
Monday, March 7, 2011
Bedarra Island- A Tropical Retreat
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A exquisite place to vacation. Located on the Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia. This beautiful villa has many amenities that will keep you coming back. More Photos and Information here! |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Shared Millennial Fantasy
I thought it was interesting to analyze Harry Potter in relation to the Holocaust. After watching the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” it doesn’t recognize this relationship as much as other Harry Potter films until the end when Lord Voldemorte comes back to kill Harry Potter. His underlying motive of trying to “cleanse” the half bloods and mudbloods from the entirety of the wizard world is his ultimate goal other than killing Harry Potter.
The “Harry Potter and the Complicated Identity Politics,” article redirected my viewing analysis from watching a fantasy film to watching how J.K. Rowling depicts everyday politics. While Harry Potter and most of the students and professors at Hogwarts are fighting the good fight there are still identity politics that are similar to everyday life. For instance, the fantasy world that Harry lives in generally has the same gender roles that are normal in our world. The men are heroic and masculine in the Tri-Wizard Cup while the girl that gets elected into the Tri-Wizard Cup is extremely feminine and takes last place in all of the events that occur. The all-girls school also is always being feminized. They dance their way Hogwarts and dance their way out while the all boys school does traditional military steps into the school. While Harry Potter may seem like it is breaking down barriers it is only masked by a fantasyland that takes the eye away from the similarities to our very own culture.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Serenity In Singapore
Guz Architects developed this modern serenity gem. It combines luxurious with sustainability. The house surrounds large water features that create a soothing atmosphere. Foliage and open air spaces allow you to feel like you are one with nature. Simplicity.
For more pictures click here.
For more pictures click here.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Feminist and Feminism: Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls
The Gilmore Girls episodes that we watched were great examples of the feminist ideas that the Gamber article focused on. As a high school student Rory has the vantage point of seeing both a feminist (her mother) and an aristocratic grandmother that follows in the feminism category. Both women are strong and controlling but Rory’s mother tries to separate herself from her parent’s money and elite lifestyle. She is more interested in being her own self-reliant woman. After she was “knocked up” when she was 16 she took care of herself and wouldn’t let her parents financially help her. The Grandmother on the other hand would be more than willing to help Lauroli if she follows her conditions. These conditions would have led to Lauroli getting married to Christopher and becoming a stay at home mother. The generational differences are apparent when looking at Lauroli and her mother. The dreams and aspirations of Lauroli are contingent upon being her own successful women and following her dreams. All three women in this show depict how the feminist movement has evolved over three generations. The Grandmother is a wealthy woman that wants equal rights and Lauroli shows the more vivid picture of women that desire power in their own ways. The third generation is Rory. Rory may not seem like a feminists but the third generation of feminist are like “fluoride,” meaning women are becoming their own person but it is not as apparent. Rory becomes the modern day feminist by choosing education over boys but still being feminine.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Techno Love?
This week’s television shows dug into the how technology is involved with the millennial generation. “Degrassi” explored how the Internet opens people’s relationships to a larger group of people. With Internet kids are alone on the computer without much supervision. This allows them to connect with a broader group of people, but it also can start to create a fake persona. Without direct face-to-face interaction we can become something that we want to be without getting caught for the most part. Emma meets “Jordan” online and once the reality sets in that she might meet him the problem with her basic information of being 16 when in reality she is much younger than this threatens her. When coming to have to actually meet him in person Emma has to make a crucial decision that may put her into a difficult situation because she doesn’t truly know whom this “Jordan” kid is accept for the photos that may or may not be of him from the Internet. The adults in this show are also not computer savvy compared to their technologically advanced kids. “The Next Generation” article addresses this. The “Millennial” generation is better with technology and adults are falling behind. “The Young and the Digital” reading addresses how the internet and computers are the new medium that the “Millennial” generation uses to communicate with people. Like Emma most of the “Millennial” generation are using the internet for social purposes. It seems as if email is the largest part of the internet being used.
Veronica Mars also shows how being technologically savvy can help with justice. Her investigator instincts and her connections allow Veronica to help Weevle get out of jail. It also addresses how the “Millennial” generation rebels by behaving better. Veronica works for the good of honest people. The ongoing narrative of trying to find where she belongs in the social groups of school still persist but with her knowledge with technology and her camera expertise she works towards fighting for a better cause.
For the Millenial Generation technology is key. It becomes a uniting factor that the generation has over older generations and it is used on a daily basis. The wide access that we have allows us the be a generation that can coalesce via the web and use it to fight for greater purposes.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Past Mixed With Present
This Victorian styles house is located in Australia. It features the old look of a classic Victorian on the outside but on the inside it is furnished with modern appliances and furniture inside. This polished home is attractive to old and new alike.
more photos available at above URL
more photos available at above URL
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Veronica Mars and Freaks and Geeks
Teen Television:"Freaks and Geeks" and "Veronica Mars"
The television shows "Freaks and Geeks" and "Veronica Mars" are both shows that focus on a high school female girl trying to figure out the point of life. Lindsey Weir from "Freaks and Geeks" is in a transition phase of her life. After her grandmother's death she is wondering if there is a purpose to life and if being a good person all the time is worth it when you die. Her character in particular relates to the reading from "The Chronicle." She is from the Millennial generation but instead of being a teenager striving to make the world better she has started to rebel. By the end of the first episode it looks as if she is trying to do good with her life by dancing with Eli but she is also struggling through high school. The disconnect between the generations in "Freaks and Geeks" is also apparent. Like, "The Chronicle" the older generation is having a hard time figuring out the younger generation. Lindsey's dad uses interesting tactics to try and scare Lindsey from doing rebellious acts. Her guidance counselor also tries to be friends and then turns into black mailing Lindsey into being a mathlete. "Freaks and Geeks" focuses on the disconnect between the generations as well as the social structure of high school.
"Veronica Mars" is similar to "Freaks and Geeks" in relation to the focus of high school social structure and trying to find meaning in life. "Veronica Mars" is different from "Freaks and Geeks" because Veronica tries to beat the bad guy and uses her connections to work behind the scenes to get information that makes her have the upper hand. She may be figuring out a way to work with her dad for his Private Investigating business but she is also trying to make sense of her life. Both shows use the millennial generation as an outlet for teenagers to show the daily life of high school.
The television shows "Freaks and Geeks" and "Veronica Mars" are both shows that focus on a high school female girl trying to figure out the point of life. Lindsey Weir from "Freaks and Geeks" is in a transition phase of her life. After her grandmother's death she is wondering if there is a purpose to life and if being a good person all the time is worth it when you die. Her character in particular relates to the reading from "The Chronicle." She is from the Millennial generation but instead of being a teenager striving to make the world better she has started to rebel. By the end of the first episode it looks as if she is trying to do good with her life by dancing with Eli but she is also struggling through high school. The disconnect between the generations in "Freaks and Geeks" is also apparent. Like, "The Chronicle" the older generation is having a hard time figuring out the younger generation. Lindsey's dad uses interesting tactics to try and scare Lindsey from doing rebellious acts. Her guidance counselor also tries to be friends and then turns into black mailing Lindsey into being a mathlete. "Freaks and Geeks" focuses on the disconnect between the generations as well as the social structure of high school.
"Veronica Mars" is similar to "Freaks and Geeks" in relation to the focus of high school social structure and trying to find meaning in life. "Veronica Mars" is different from "Freaks and Geeks" because Veronica tries to beat the bad guy and uses her connections to work behind the scenes to get information that makes her have the upper hand. She may be figuring out a way to work with her dad for his Private Investigating business but she is also trying to make sense of her life. Both shows use the millennial generation as an outlet for teenagers to show the daily life of high school.
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